Who We Are?
My Motivation
This is my take on the End Times as I have come to understand them through prayerful and open-minded study of the Holy Bible. I began this study several years ago as a consequence of my taking God at his word – that He would give special blessings to those who read and hear what He has to say about this important subject (Revelation 1: 1 – 3). That’s all I wanted at the time – His blessing – and I’m the kind of guy who takes God at His literal word. I’ve never been disappointed.
My qualifications
Please note that the information contained herein is my current and best understanding of End Times events. I claim no special revelation, other than that promised by God to anyone who will approach His word with a simple and open (childlike) faith and with no predetermined agenda. I had no agenda at the beginning of this study (other than to receive God’s blessing) and I have none now. I condemn no one who holds different views, and I will pray for anyone motivated by anything other than an honest desire to know, and respond to, God’s plan for the future of humanity.
My Core Values
By religious training I’m a layman. By religious background I’m a Southern Baptist. However, through prayerful study and discipleship, as I continue my spiritual walk after Christ, I grow more and more merely Christian. I’m completely comfortable with my membership and participation in a Southern Baptist Church. I think I could be equally comfortable joining with, and participating in, any other church that preaches of the gospel of Christ, ‘for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth’.
Finally, I wish to disclose here three important points about my understanding of the End Times:
- I interpret prophecies regarding the future of Israel to be about the literal Jewish nation of Israel, and not some spiritualized Church/Israel hybrid. If God has never failed to deliver on any promise He's made to me, why should I think He'd renege on Israel?
- I interpret the Mystery of God as the Church Age - - that portion of history dated from the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem, shortly after Christ's ascension to Heaven, to the Rapture.
- I interpret that the catching up of the dead and the living in Christ (commonly called the rapture) as occurring at the Seventh Trumpet when 'the mystery of God' (i.e. the Church Age) is complete, and just before the outpouring of the Vials of God's Wrath. If God expects us to put ourselves in harms way doing His work right now (even unto death, if necessary – right?) I doubt He will expect less of us in humanity's hour of greatest need.
About the Logo
As was the black cat in the movie The Matrix evidence of a reality beyond the illusion of the Matrix, so too is the Bible evidence of a reality beyond that of the worldly-mindedness we experience without hearing and believing, by way of faith and hope, the Word of God.